

welcome to my inscape! my very own home on the web for all my thoughts, creations, and interests.

mood: deranged
listening: get gone - fiona apple
reading: the vampire lestat - anne rice
watching: bbc sherlock
obsessed with: web revival


i decided to make this website because i wanted a space thats not only all to myself and fully customizable, but also where i can share all my creative hobbies without feeling shame or embarrassment. i'd like to have a place to dump all my interests!

i don't want to make this site in a way that caters to other people more than myself, and i don't want to have to filter myself or my interests.

anyways, i just hope to have fun with this and to possibly make some new friends.


*work in progress*


best viewed on desktop at 110%!


  • finish last pages
  • media review/rec/liveblog page
  • fix music player
  • add glowy text
  • add scanlines
  • chatbox!!
  • title boxes
  • dream diary
  • links to other sites/cool stuff
  • murphy photo scrapbook
  • make site button
  • join webrings


24.05.19 fixed the main page i think. also added microblog. coding is hard TT. new guestbook since guestbook123 is going down soon.

24.05.03 small update: status, journal, and note updated.

00.00.00 big changes, almost every page has something new. still working on other pages.

23.11.09 changed up the layout, am still working on some of the pages *music player does not work

23.08.17 updated journal.

23.07.08 added header finally! don't know how to get rid of the watermark tho :(.

23.07.07 (again) updated me page and home page.

23.07.07 new journal entry & status change.

23.07.06 added journal page! i'll add the more interesting things soon i prommy.

23.07.03 added me page, changed status

23.06.23 changed the font, background, and messed with the opacity a little.

23.06.20 (again) added status section!

23.06.20 changed layout!


how the hell do i add a chatbox without breaking my site


last updated:

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<<< 23.06.15 >>>